Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeBaby NamesBoy baby name starting from letter M

Boy baby name starting from letter M

As you are looking for the modern and fancy name for your new baby boy, if you are hunting for a boy baby name that starts with the letter M. Right we can help you here to check out some cool, unique, cute, rare, and biblical boy’s names, all starting with M. On my website you’ll find boy names with other region like Italian, French, Greek, and Japanese as well.

Sr. # Baby Name Baby Name Meaning Name Gender Name Origin
1 Maalolan Name of deity in ahobilam (ap) Boy Hindu
2 Madan Cupid, god of love Boy Hindu
3 Madesh Lord shiva Boy Hindu
4 Madhav Sweet like honey Boy Hindu
5 Madhavan Lord shiva Boy Hindu
6 Madhuban Lord vishnu Boy Hindu
7 Madhukar Honey bee, lover Boy Hindu
8 Madhusudan Lord krishna Boy Hindu
9 Madhusudhana Krishna, one who killed demon Boy Hindu
10 Madin Delightful Boy Hindu
11 Magan Absorbed Boy Hindu
12 Mahabala Great strength Boy Hindu
13 Mahadev Most powerful god Boy Hindu
14 Mahaketu Lord shiva Boy Hindu
15 Mahakram Lord vishnu Boy Hindu
16 Mahamani Lord shiva Boy Hindu
17 Mahant Great Boy Hindu
18 Mahatma spiritually elevated Boy Hindu
19 Mahatru Lord vishnu Boy Hindu
20 Mahavir Most courageous among men Boy Hindu
21 Maheepati The king Boy Hindu
22 Mahendra Indra Boy Hindu
23 Mahesh Shiva Boy Hindu
24 Maheshkumar son of Lord Shiva Boy Hindu
25 Mahit Honoured Boy Hindu
26 Maitreya Friend Boy Hindu
27 Makarand Bee Boy Hindu
28 Makhesh Lord krishna Boy Hindu
29 Makrand Honey Boy Hindu
30 Makul Bud Boy Hindu
31 Mal gardens; flourishes Boy Hindu
32 Malank King Boy Hindu
33 Malikah royalty Boy Hindu
34 Malk royal Boy Hindu
35 Mallesh Lord shiva Boy Hindu
36 Mamraj Lord of affection Boy Hindu
37 Manas Powers Boy Hindu
38 Manav Man Boy Hindu
39 Manavendra King among men Boy Hindu
40 Mandar Flower Boy Hindu
41 Mandhatri Prince Boy Hindu
42 Manendra King of mind Boy Hindu
43 Mangal Auspicious Boy Hindu
44 Mangesh Lord shiva Boy Hindu
45 Manhar Lord krishna Boy Hindu
46 Manik Gem Boy Hindu
47 Maninder masculine;potent Boy Hindu
48 Manindra Diamond Boy Hindu
49 Maniram Jewel of a person Boy Hindu
50 Manish God of mind Boy Hindu
51 Manishankar Shiva Boy Hindu
52 Manit Highly respected Boy Hindu
53 Manjit Conqueror of knowledge Boy Hindu
54 Manmohan Lord krishna Boy Hindu
55 Mannan Thought Boy Hindu
56 Manohar One who wins over mind Boy Hindu
57 Manoj Born of mind Boy Hindu
58 Manoranjan One who pleases the mind Boy Hindu
59 Manprasad Mentally calm and cool person Boy Hindu
60 Manpreet beloved; calm Boy Hindu
61 Mansukh Pleasure of mind Boy Hindu
62 Manu Founder father of human beings Boy Hindu
63 Mardav Simple Boy Hindu
64 Marduk bothered Boy Hindu
65 Mareechi Ray of light Boy Hindu
66 Markanday Shiva’s devotee Boy Hindu
67 Markandeya A sage Boy Hindu
68 Martand Sun Boy Hindu
69 Maruti Lord hanuman Boy Hindu
70 Matsendra King of the fishes Boy Hindu
71 Maulik Precious Boy Hindu
72 Mayank Moon Boy Hindu
73 Mayur Peacock Boy Hindu
74 Meer Chief Boy Hindu
75 Meet Friend Boy Hindu
76 Meghaj Pearl Boy Hindu
77 Meghdutt Gift of clouds Boy Hindu
78 Meghnad Thunder Boy Hindu
79 Mehal Cloud Boy Hindu
80 Mehmet royal Boy Hindu
81 Mehul Rain Boy Hindu
82 Mihir Sun Boy Hindu
83 Mikul Comrade Boy Hindu
84 Milan Meeting; joining Boy Hindu
85 Miland Bee Boy Hindu
86 Milind Honey bee Boy Hindu
87 Milit Comradship Boy Hindu
88 Miten Male friend Boy Hindu
89 Mitesh One with few desires Boy Hindu
90 Mithil Kingdom Boy Hindu
91 Mithun Couple Boy Hindu
92 Mitrajit Friendly Boy Hindu
93 Mitul Limited Boy Hindu
94 Modak Pleasing Boy Hindu
95 Modal Enjoyment Boy Hindu
96 Moh Love Boy Hindu
97 Mohak Attractive Boy Hindu
98 Mohan Charming, fascinating Boy Hindu
99 Mohann handsome Boy Hindu
100 Mohin Attractive Boy Hindu
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